#spoilmarket Canvas Tote Bag


“Spoil market” is the ultimate Singaporean term for when someone goes all out and sets the bar so high, the rest of us mere mortals can only sigh and shake our heads. Imagine you bring some store-bought cookies to a potluck, and your friend rolls up with a five-tier, hand-decorated cake. That friend? Confirm spoil market, lah!

What Is “Spoil Market” Anyway?

Ah, “spoil market.” If you’ve spent any time in Singapore, you’ve likely encountered this term. But for the uninitiated, let me break it down for you. “Spoil market” is what we say when someone goes above and beyond, setting a ridiculously high standard that makes everyone else look bad. Imagine if you brought a simple roti prata to a potluck and someone else showed up with a ten-course feast. That person? Confirm spoil market.

Where Did “Spoil Market” Come From?

Like many Singlish phrases, “spoil market” has murky origins, probably evolving from our love of mixing languages and cultures. Picture the typical kiasu (afraid to lose) Singaporean. We love to be number one, but we also hate it when someone raises the bar too high. So, the phrase likely sprouted from our competitive yet pragmatic spirit. It’s a mix of admiration and frustration, wrapped in a neat, sarcastic package.

Who Are the Biggest Spoil Markets?

Everyone knows at least one spoil market. They’re the overachievers, the go-getters, the people who make you wonder if they have more than 24 hours in a day. Here are some classic examples:

  • The colleague who stays late every night and replies to emails at 2 AM. Hello, spoil market!
  • The student who not only finishes the assignment early but also creates a detailed presentation, complete with animations and a Q&A session. Wah, spoil market lah!
  • The friend who plans a birthday celebration with live music, gourmet food, and a professional photographer. Chill, bro, you’re spoil market, you know?

When Do You Say “Spoil Market”?

You drop this gem whenever someone’s over-the-top efforts make your decent attempts look like amateur hour. It’s not just about being good; it’s about being so good that everyone else feels paiseh (embarrassed).

Scenario: Your colleague brings homemade bak kwa (barbecued pork) for Chinese New Year, while you just brought oranges. You: “Wah, you really spoil market, man!”

Scenario: Your neighbor’s Christmas decorations light up the whole block like Orchard Road, while you have a tiny tree. You: “Aiyah, spoil market lah!”

Why Do Singaporeans Say “Spoil Market”?

Because we love to complain, and we hate to lose. “Spoil market” is the perfect expression of our kiasu nature. It’s our way of acknowledging someone’s effort while simultaneously grumbling about how they’ve made life harder for everyone else. It’s both a compliment and a critique, all in one tidy phrase. Plus, it’s just fun to say.

How Can You Avoid Spoiling the Market?

Simple: manage your expectations and your competitive spirit. Not everything has to be a gold-medal performance. Here are a few tips:

  1. Moderation: Aim for good, not extraordinary. It’s okay to shine, but don’t blind everyone with your brilliance.
  2. Perspective: Remember, not every event is the Olympics. Sometimes, just showing up is enough.
  3. Balance: Share the spotlight. Let others have their moments too. Don’t always be the spoil market.

Conclusion: Are You a Spoil Market?

In the end, “spoil market” is a part of our unique Singaporean culture. It’s a playful jab at those who go the extra mile, and a reminder for the rest of us to keep our kiasu tendencies in check. So, the next time you’re tempted to go all out, ask yourself: am I about to spoil the market? If the answer is yes, maybe dial it back a notch. After all, in this competitive little red dot, sometimes it’s nice to let someone else have the spotlight.

#spoilmarket Canvas Tote Bag for book bag, lunch bag, shopping carrier outfit staple – the choice is yours. These tote bags can do the lot, big enough to carry a laptop.

Dimension: 44cm x 32cm (17.5inch x 12.5inch)
Handle: 26mm (19.5inch)
Material: Canvas
Color: Beech
Print: Vinyl or DTG

Tote bag dimension

In order to preserve the design on your tote bag print, we recommend the following product care guidelines:

  • Always turn your tote bag inside out before washing. This reduces the wear-and-tear of the canvas tote bag printed design and preserves it longer.
  • Wash similar coloured canvas tote bag together. This is to prevent colour leeching from dark coloured clothes to light coloured canvas tote bag.
  • Wash in cold (30 Degrees Celsius or below) water, either machine wash or by hand. Using hot water might cause printed designs to leech colours.
  • DO NOT BLEACH, avoid using softeners. Bleach can cause colours to run, and softeners may affect vinyl designs print on the canvas tote bag.
  • Avoid using hot dryers. The high level of heat may cause shrinkage of canvas tote bag, and may affect vinyl designs. When possible, dry your canvas tote bag under the shade with minimal direct contact with sunlight as prolonged exposure to UV rays will cause colours to fade.
  • Iron on low, and always iron the canvas tote bag turned inside out so as not to iron directly on print.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg